Complaint Resolution
1. Informal Resolution
We encourage members to first attempt to resolve their concerns informally. This can often be thequickest and simplest way to address issues. Here's what you can do:
- Speak with a Staff Member: Approach any staff member at the gym, such as a front desk representative, trainer, or manager, and explain your concern.
- Use the Suggestion Box: Drop a written note detailing your complaint or suggestion in our gym's suggestion box, located at Pace reception.
- Contact the Gym Manager: If your concern is not resolved to your
satisfaction through the above methods, request to speak with the gym manager. They will be happy to assist you further.
2. Formal Complaint
If your concern remains unresolved after attempting an informal resolution, you may proceed with a formal complaint. Follow these steps:
Write a Formal Complaint: Compose a written complaint detailing your concern, including the date, time, location, and any staff members involved or to whom you provided informal notice (per Step 1). Be as specific as possible.
Submit Your Complaint:
hand in your written complaint at the gym's front desk.
email your complaint to
Await Acknowledgment: We will acknowledge your complaint within 10 business days, confirming that it has been received and is under review.
3. Resolution
Our goal is to address and resolve your complaint promptly and fairly. Here's what you can expect during this process:
Investigation: Management will thoroughly investigate your complaint, including speaking with staff members involved and reviewing any relevant records.
Resolution Proposal: You will receive a written proposal outlining the resolution within 10 business days after the acknowledgment. This proposal may include actions taken, any necessary changes.
Review and Feedback: You have the opportunity to review the resolution proposal and provide feedback within 20 business days. We value your input and will consider any additional information you provide.
4. Escalation
If you are not satisfied with the resolution proposed in Step 3, you have the option to escalate your complaint:
Contact Stadiums Queensland: Request to speak with Stadiums Queensland to discuss your concerns further, on (07) 3131 9620
External Mediation: If the issue remains unresolved, you may seek external mediation or legal assistance if necessary.